This is a branch article for details of houses bought by JoJo Siwa. For the main article, see JoJo Siwa Net Worth.
How JoJo Siwa lives her career, she lives her everyday life when not performing in almost the same way (ignore the non-vibrant background of her home you see sometimes in her social media posts). In her eyes, everything is colorful, and she takes the color everywhere she goes.
And a journey inside her house is like going on a tour in Rainbowland, or one might say The Chocolate Factory... Since letting her fans tour her house for the first time, she's done it more than on one occasion, each time in a different portion of her house. And she's also recently bought a new home and have a tour of that one too.
And don't forget to check out the car details below.
Photo Source: Its JoJo Siwa, YouTube
Sure, raking in $2-$5 million every year, not just from singing, will allow you to use a chunk of your earnings on luxuries. And for JoJo, renovation is never over when it comes to redecorating her house to her likings. And rainbow, sparkles & candies are the way to go for her renovation ideas. Here's those times she's given a tour of her houses on YouTube. And gosh, the energy she has for each of her videos!
P.S.: The details of her cars are after all the house tour is complete. Don't be overwhelmed by the number of times she's taken her fans inside her home.
First Few (Maybe a Few More) Tours: The House in Nebraska
For a social media influencer, there's that task of creating content every day, especially with Siwa's commitment of posting daily vlogs. 3/4 years ago, if you were a fan of Siwa and daily watched her YouTube videos, then you know she used to take you to a tour of her house in Nebraska like every month. (Skip over the parts you don't feel like seeing.)
September 2015 (Apparently, there was a part one of the house tour before this)
October 2015
August 2016
September 2016
October 2016
November 2016
Second Tour: Getting Ready for Christmas 2018 in November
But first, a quick detour to her bedroom tour [September 2018].
In the November 2018 house tour, she says it was a 'never-before-seen' tour and that she already redecorated her home for the upcoming Christmas holidays. And no, she was not kidding. Plus, she seems to have moved to this house after some time from her childhood home video tours, meaning it's her second house.
Yeah, starting with the front door isn't exactly thrilling, but... Yeah, gumball machine. Anyway, candies, a crane game machine, candy vending machine, the JoJo Wardrobe, the kitchen where food never runs out with the nacho machine & the pantry, the living room, and everything else contains JoJo merchandise.
Second & a Half...(?) Tour...
In May 2019, Siwa also gave a tour inside her bus while she was on tour.
July 2019 (A Third?)
She bought (rented?) a beach house for herself this month in the middle of her tour as she took a nine-day break from giving the most energetic of her shows.
Back Home Again
August 2019
Redecorating the Same Old
October 2019
November 2019
JoJo Siwa Buys a New $3.425 Million Mansion in Tarzana, California!!!
December 2019
Siwa had been on tour all through 2019 as she took a break in December 2019 to buy a brand new home. She gave a tour of her new home that same month, just days after finally moving in. But the property records were only revealed in January 2020.
The 16-year-old's 6,111-square-foot home in Tarzana, California cost her $3.425 million. Of course, she still had that piano in the entrance, the cars parked outside, mannequins encased in glasses dressed in her favorite outfits and a candy bar. No no, it's not one candy bar, it's a bar where one can even sell candies (yeah, that bar). But the major attraction was her own convenience store which she calls her 7-Eleven. Candy, candy, candy everywhere.
Pools, living room, dining room, kitchens (indoor and outdoors), and half basketball court is all good. But take a complete tour of the 6000-square-foot living space.
February 2020
After coming back from her tour in Australia, she came to a home with a completely redone bedroom. Of course, she asked for it, literally.
Another February 2020
She's got one heck of a closet. Check it out.
March 2020
Wait. She's Toured Even Her Cars
Siwa announced in a November 2018 video that she'd received her driver's permit. But after studying till 3 am (which she said on that November 2019 video), she didn't go to her driver's permit test, but she didn't know she had to take some sort of certificate to the DMV. She did mention she'd get that certificate by the time she uploaded the video in November 2019.
She's got two cars in her garage. She's customized both of them. She got the colorful Rainbow "Dreamer" Beamer (that's a BMW, BTW) for Christmas from her parents, and she got her dream car, the Tesla, for her 16 birthday last May from her manager Caryn Sterling, who she's been with since, like, 11 and helped her secure the Nickelodeon deal. In both the cars, she's got her face on them. The former was customized by her parents beforehand and the latter had her face in multiple numbers after her birthday.
She's made several videos with her cars, bringing in several guests in. Abby Lee Miller, Meghan Trainor, and Rachel Ballinger are some of the only few ones. (Did you know she's met her idol Miley Cyrus already?) She's also had her car stolen back in October. But... She had a surprise waiting for her from her friends when she got back home. Yeah, that faces on her Tesla thing.
She's got criticisms for her cars as well. While Bhad Bhabie's comment felt disgusting altogether, Justin Bieber suggested she should burn her Dreamer. She's disabled comments on her YouTube channel, but when celebrities trash someone else, everyone kind of just knows. Her mom replied with "burn your own things." But Bieber later apologized for some reason (maybe because he realized her aura was kind of a mix between his and Hannah Montana's).
Some other things: She pranked her brother by pretending to buy him his dream car, the Jeep Wrangler, but she did make a deal that she'd buy it for him one day. And a fan also recolored her car with an illustration of Siwa's face on the hoodie.
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